16000 16001 &Colors 16002 Blend &Front to Back 16003 Blend &Horizontally 16004 Blend &Vertically 16005 &Invert Colors 16006 Convert to &Grayscale 16007 Convert to &CMYK 16008 Convert to &RGB 16009 Processing Placed Art: 16010 Colors 7.0 16011 by Jim Ryan and Keith McCurdy 16051 You must select a path first. 16052 At least three paths must be selected for this filter to work. 16053 Compound paths are not supported by this filter. 16054 Patterns, custom colors and gradients cannot be processed by this filter. 16055 No invertible colors found. 16056 Custom colors, gradients, and patterns will not be inverted. 16057 Gradients and patterns will not be converted. 17001 By 17002 ©1996 Adobe Systems, Inc. 17003 About 19201 The filter cannot complete because of an error: 19202 The filter cannot complete because of a resource error: 19203 The filter cannot complete because there isn't enough memory (RAM) available: 19301 Error: 19302 Caution: 19303 Note: 19304 Filter error: